Director of AI solution implementation (experienced, immediate asset)

Requirements We are seeking members equipped to draw on their careers in system development solution sales and their ideas about AI who can help us pitch AI products to drive new global breakthroughs.
You will be responsible for spearheading projects to have clients adopt AMY, our corporate AI solution. Automagihas proven experience in bringing AI solutions to countless major firms. Using our credibility and your interest and curiosity about AI to the fullest, we will collaborate to bring new AI products to a wider audience.
Required Skills Three or more years of work experience at an Internet company, IT vendor, or other technology venture
Ability to identify issues clients face and communicate collaboratively with teams and engineers
Enthusiasm and proactive ability to solve corporate issues through AI and state-of-the-art technology
Excel, Word, and PowerPoint skills
Business Maintaining relationships with existing clients
Project management for AI trials and pilots

Salesof AI solution

Requirements We are seeking new members for our sales force to help more enterprise clients speed up their business growth through AI.
This position will see you pitching our AMY AI solution to prospective corporate clients. The majority of the work involves inbound sales. You will gain knowledge and information of AI while listening to clients to gain feedback that lets you create customized, value-added proposals for them. For proposals requiring specialized technical knowledge, you will confer with our engineers.
Required Skills Inexperienced applicants welcome
Passionate about solving corporate issues through AI and state-of-the-art technology
Ability to identify issues clients face and communicate collaboratively with our team
Proactive self-starters who take action to achieve milestones wanted
Excel, Word, and PowerPoint skills
Business Sales of our AI solution AMY (generally involves making advance appointments and visiting clients)
Discussion with clients to learn their requirements, confirm feasibility with engineers, create proposal documents and estimates(you will begin as an assistant until accustomed to the process)
Maintaining relationships with existing clients and providing enhanced proposals
Introducing our products at expos and conferences
We welcome applicants with a deep interest in AI who want to develop a skillset in sales of state-of-the-art solutions.

Sales support of AI solution (experienced applicants welcome)

Requirements We are seeking support staff who can assist our sales team in proposing and selling AI services. This would involve the creationof sales materials and managing contractual documents, etc.
You will be responsible for sundry tasks arising between our sales force pitching a product and the client ultimately placinganorder. You will manage various tools and equipment and assist with other sales-related PR and recruiting tasks.
Required Skills We welcome people with an interest in AI-driven firms who want to leverage their skills in supporting the use of state-of-the-art technology.
Business Assisting with creation and updating of sales materials
Management of contractual documents
Management of sales equipment and novelty goods/merchandise
Acting as support at exhibits and events
Periodic updating of PR tools (web site, etc.)
Communicating with prospective new hires, making appointments, etc.


Requirements AutomagiInc. Confidential8リクルートPM/PL staff are expected to discuss with BtoBclients to identify their requirements, negotiate on detailed specifications, manage product development cycles and budgets, select the right technology, and follow up with the development team, among various other tasks. We seek candidates with demonstrated ability to guide teams and also drive real-world results with clients. You must be able to engage in technical discussion on the design of product functionality, coding, and data analysis.
Our firm retains on its roster (or contracts with) a wide range of engineering personnel with high technical ability, so you will be able to work directly with technical experts while building project teams through distributed development (with remote personnel). Given that our BtoBAI are deployed across different industries, this will give you an opportunity to leverage your past career experience in a newway. (Proven experience in domains like DMP creation, data sciences, digital marketing, and system integration would be a particularly good fit.)
We seek candidates able to fully leverage their experience while keeping an eye on the fields of machine learning/deep learning and applied AI and working on the front lines of our new projects.
Required Skills Demonstrated practical experience in a PM/PL role
Ability to read programming code and review the functional design of software
Experience defining and negotiating requirements with clients, and creating delivery documents
Language ability (Japanese/English) *You must have reading skills in English in order to refer to open source software from overseasas well as original papers
Domain of Job Project budget control/progress tracking, budgeting
Technical surveys, management of requirement definitions, design, manufacturing, and assessments
Negotiating/adjusting plans with clients, other sundry aspects of project development
Programming Language Python、Java、JavaScript
Operational Environment AWS、GoogleCloudPlatform、MicrosoftAzure、Redmine、GitHubなど


Requirements Since 2016, we have been developing a BtoBAI product under the brand name “AMY.” It has been adopted by numerous corporate clients and is accelerating the growth of our AI business.
This project requires the application of research into leading technology and demonstrated technical and creative ability to develop new technology from scratch where existing solutions are not available. We are seeking engineering candidates with an active interest in learning about the technologies required for use in the field of AI (machine learning, statistical mathematics, natural language processing, etc.) and interested in developing our in-house products with us.
Required Skills Those with past experience in the development of some form of open-source system
Must be open-minded about use of English *Given that we use open-source software, you must have reading skills in English
Provided your level of Japanese proficiency would not impede everyday work, we also welcome international applicants.
You do not need past development experience with AI. During the screening process, we will focus on your desire to grow, suchasimproving your abilities with cutting-edge technology or furthering your knowledge of artificial intelligence.
Programming Language Python、Java、JavaScript
Operational Environment AWS、GoogleCloudPlatform、MicrosoftAzure、Redmine、GitHubなど